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The James Webb vs Hubble Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope were both designed by NASA to study the composition and characteristics of our universe. Both of these telescopes have unique characteristics, allowing them to accomplish different objectives. 

Size & Dimensions of James Webb vs Hubble Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope’s (JWST) primary mirror diameter and focal length are nearly three times greater than that of the Hubble Space Telescope’s (HST). NASA designed JWST to continue HST’s mission in greater detail, with stronger magnification and nearly half the weight.

James Webb Space TelescopeHubble Space Telescope
Diameter of Primary Mirror6.5 m (23.1 ft)2.4 ft (7.8 ft)
Total Weight6161 kg (13,584 lbs)2,200 kg (24,000 lbs)
Focal Length131.4 m (431.1 ft)57.6 m (189 ft)
Total Size22 m x 12m (69.5 ft x 46.5)13.3 m x 4.2 m (43.5 ft x 4ft)

Design of James Webb vs Hubble Space Telescope

Both James Webb (JWST) and Hubble (HST) Space Telescope are reflecting telescopes, meaning they use mirrors to collect and focus light. Despite being the same type of telescope, the design of each varies based on its orbit and objectives.

James Webb Space TelescopeHubble Space Telescope
DesignThree-Mirror AnastigmatRitchey-Chrétien Cassegrain
Light ProtectionMulti-Layered SunshieldAluminium Teflon Wrap
Primary Mirror MaterialBerylliumUltra-Low Expansion Glass

Launch of James Webb vs Hubble Space Telescope

The James Webb (JWST) and Hubble (HST) Space Telescopes were launched by NASA over 30 years apart. Shortly after HST’s launch, engineers began planning its successor, JWST.

James Webb Space TelescopeHubble Space Telescope
Launch DateDecember 25, 2021April 24, 1990
Launch LocationGuiana Space CenterKennedy Space Center
Deployment DateJanuary 24, 2021April 25, 1990

Orbit of James Webb vs Hubble Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) orbits significantly further and faster than the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) because it orbits the sun, instead of the earth.

James Webb Space TelescopeHubble Space Telescope
Orbit LocationLagrange Point 2Geocentric orbit
Distance from Earth1.5 million km (1 million mi)535 km (332 mi) 
Speed of Orbit106,216 kph (66,000 mph)27,000 kph (17,000 mph)

Wavelengths of James Webb vs Hubble Space Telescope

James Webb (JWST) and Hubble (HST) Space Telescope focus on different wavelengths, but overlap from 0.6 to 2.5 microns. By observing different wavelengths, scientists are able to gather a deeper and more detailed perspective of celestial bodies.

James Webb Space TelescopeHubble Space Telescope
Type of RadiationNear-infrared, mid-infraredVisible, near-infrared, ultraviolet
Wavelength Range0.6 to 28 microns0.1 to 2.5 microns

Observations of James Webb vs Hubble Space Telescope

Both the James Webb (JWST) and Hubble (HST) Space Telescopes are multi-purpose, meaning they pursue numerous objectives at once. Because of their unique tools, each telescope is able to observe different parts of the universe. 

James Webb Space TelescopeHubble Space Telescope
Primary FocusEarliest stars, faintest galaxies, exo-planetsAge, composition, expansion of the universe.
Furthest Observation33.6 billion lightyears12.9 billion lightyears
Transmission Speed28 megabits per second1 megabit per second